On this day, June 16, 1944, more than four thousand Jews from Subotica were deported to Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps. In memory of all victims of the Holocaust, a commemorative meeting was held today in the Synagogue

For the Jews in our city, this is one of the saddest days. It should be a warning and a lesson for the rest of the people of Subotica that such terrible events never happen to anyone again.
– We remember four thousand of our fellow citizens who were taken to the death camps just because they were Jews. When we are gathered in this beautiful prayer space, which they left behind and into which they incorporated all the spirit and skill with which they refined Subotica since the 18th century, let us remember the terrible scale of the tragedy that this city experienced through that heinous crime. The Subotica Synagogue was built for a large, strong and wealthy community. Each of these benches bears witness to the families who sat in them and kept the faith of their ancestors brought from the Holy Land – said Mayor Stevan Bakić, speaking at the commemorative meeting. – But the occupier 78 years ago failed to destroy Jewish Subotica. The community survived through the few individuals and families who escaped death and managed to return to their country and city. The Jewish community persevered and welcomed the magnificent restoration of its Synagogue, which was jointly initiated by Serbia and Hungary, and in which today Jews pray to God again and all their guests enjoy the beauty of the spirituality that this place exudes and the art that is always welcome in this city. The city of Subotica will never forget those who suffered and will always treat the Holocaust with special piety.
Deputy Speaker of the City Assembly, Balint Pastor, said that the crimes that were committed will never be forgotten and that they will gather in the Synagogue every year.
But today is not the only day when we remember them. We can rightly claim that this city does not have a single corner, street or square that does not remind us of them. We cannot talk about the history, architecture, cultural heritage, economic progress and cultural upliftment of our city without mentioning how important a role our fellow citizens, Jews, played in all of this – emphasized the Pastor. – Subotica is not and cannot be the same without them. We know their names, life stories and the results they achieved. We look with admiration and pride at one of the jewels of our city, the Synagogue, which celebrates 120 years of construction this year. We deeply condemn any kind of exclusivity, discrimination and intolerance. Human life, dignity and freedom are inviolable.